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Linux Distributions

By TheStoat
Responses 785
This predictor will suggest a Linux distribution (distro) for you to use.

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All answers are anonymous

Only answer this survey if you've used Linux for at least 2 years, and have tried at least 3 different Linux distributions.
  • What is your favorite Linux distribution?
  • How old are you?
  • I know many different words (I have a rich vocabulary).
  • I have a vivid imagination.
  • I have excellent ideas.
  • I am quick to understand things.
  • I use sophisticated words.
  • I spend time reflecting on things.
  • I have many ideas.
  • I am always prepared.
  • I pay attention to details.
  • I get chores done right away.
  • I like order.
  • I follow a schedule.
  • I always work to the best of my abilities.
  • I am the life of the party.
  • I like being the center of attention.
  • I feel comfortable around people.
  • I start conversations.
  • I talk to a lot of different people at parties.
  • I am interested in people.
  • I sympathize with other people.
  • I have a soft heart.
  • I take time out for others.
  • I feel other peoples emotions (If I'm around happy people I feel happy. If I'm around sad people I feel sad).
  • I make people feel at ease.
  • I am easily disturbed/distracted.
  • I am easily angered or annoyed.
  • I am often stressed out.
  • I am easily made unhappy.
  • I have frequent mood swings.
  • I often feel blue/sad.
  • I worry about things often.
  • I am more anxious than most people.
  • I like to stand out in a crowd.
  • I like being challenged.
  • I like taking risks.
  • I like being in control.
  • I am always energetic.
  • I am very patient.
  • Rewards are very important to me.
  • I prefer to work with other people.
  • Regarding plans, do you prefer to:
  • Regarding rewards, do you prefer:
  • Do you tend to focus on:
  • When facing a problem, do you prefer to lead a group, or handle it yourself? Assume the group is competent.
  • How much do you like playing video games?
  • How much do you like watching TV?
  • How much do you like watching movies?
  • How much do you like listening to music?
  • How much do you like reading books?
  • How much do you like playing board or card games?
  • How much do you like browsing social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)?
  • How much do you like browsing forums (Reddit, 4Chan, etc.)?
  • How much do you like watching or reading news?
  • How much do you like playing sports?
  • How much do you like dancing?
  • How much do you like traveling?
  • How much do you like making visual art (drawing, painting, photography, etc.)?
  • How much do you like making music (playing an instrument, singing, composing, etc.)?
  • How much do you like programming?
  • How much do you like writing?
  • How much do you like acting (theater, on camera, etc.)?
  • How much do you like collecting (coins, art, cards, stamps, antiques, comic books, etc.)?
  • How important is using open source software to you?
Permanently save answers, for other surveys, and other devices.